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The robot that shines your countertops!

– Fully automatic worktop edge polishing robot. The robot itself loads, polishes and unloads the worktops without the need of the operator. It is part of AG RobotX’s vision for automated, labor-free manufacturing in the kitchen countertop industry.

– Linear track 3.800mm.

Highest polishing quality.

– Natural granite, compact, porcelain,…

– Automatic polishing of all sides of the worktop without manual handling. The robot is able to rotate the workpiece on the bed to access all sides of the workpiece.

– ISO40 automatic tool change, even with suction cups.

– Indoor and outdoor tool cooling.

– Stylus probe for thickness and position control of parts.

Possibility of feeding other machines.

– Automatic tool measuring and management, possibility of mounting more than one tool of the same grain so that when an abrasive runs out, without the operator having to intervene, the robot can use the other tool.

Bench with built-in automatic suction cups, automatically activated depending on the shape of the worktop.